
Helping you become self-confident.
Helping your life become dermatologistic.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast, How to Grow Longer Lashes, and More! All-in-One!

This post is all about... *drum roll* .... All-Natural, Unrefined, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil!! :)

I mentioned this "other product" in my "Best Cleanser" post, so now hopefully you'll understand what I meant in that post better by reading this one.

 So, I've read reviews and seen videos about coconut oil numerous times, but now having used it, I am a true believer! What do I mean by this, exactly? Well, for starters, I've read that it gets rid of wrinkles within a week, give or take a few days. Is it true or false? Most definitely true!! Oh my gosh! I had these worry lines that I always, ironically, worried about (see what I did there?)! I often asked my mom about them, and she said they weren't that noticeable. But, if I could notice them, and I mean really notice them, how could anyone else not? Almost a week after using coconut oil, I went to the mirror in my restroom to see how it was doin' for me. Well, let me just say I was in Phase One: Denial. My worry lines were practically gone! Now, I didn't have the worst worry lines, but they were still iffy. Hardly a week had passed when my lines began to vanish! Woop! Major plus!

Another marvelously fantastic thing about coconut oil is its moisturizing properties. It must be the best moisturizer I have ever used! If you scrape just a teeeeny weeeeny tiny bit onto your fingers, and then apply it anywhere on your body, you get insta-smooth. Ooohh myyy goodness! I usually drench my face in it at night, just so it's really smooth in the morning, and also because the skin does this whole rejuvenation process when you sleep. Sometimes, when I have small-but-noticeable dry patches on my skin when I try to apply makeup (which drives me crazy!) I just use a bit of the oil - maybe after exfoliating gently with a dry washcloth (it depends on how dry and rough the patches are) - and swoosh! No more dry spots!

I read in a few places that extra virgin coconut oil can also thicken, strengthen, and lengthen both nails and lashes! Really? It can't do that to both! Blasphemy! Nay, good fellows, it can!! That's the wonderful thing about coconut oil! My stubs (a.k.a. my "nails") are always picked or bitten off by yours truly, and unfortunately I sometimes don't have the patience to let them grow. But, when I started using coconut oil on my cuticles and nails, I actually let my nails grow because the results were amazingly fast! For the lashes, though, I'm not too sure. My lashes are kind of long already, but they definitely feel better, if ya know what I mean.

Oh, did I mention that coconut oil promotes healthy hair growth? Yeah, it's true! It can not only help your hair grow longer faster, but it can give it a radiant shine, too! Now, don't go putting this on in the morning or before you go out somewhere because it can look reeeallly greasy. Trust me, my mom knows. :)  Just plan to take a shower later if you do put it on. I would recommend putting it on at night and taking a shower in the morning so you don't have to deal with it later.

Are you struggling to lose weight even though you eat pretty healthy and get a fairly decent amount of exercise? You're just the average person who does their exercise regularly, but can't seem to shake off those pounds. (Wow, do I sound like an infomercial! Ignore the cheesy lines! Hehe. ^_^) Coconut oil is a greeeaaat addition to your diet! You can use coconut oil in cooking, in smoothies, or just by itself! I read that one lady ate one to two tablespoons a day for a week and she lost three pounds! I'm not saying you should expect to see these exact results, but I mean WOW! That's a great advantage to using coconut oil! I would definitely try to use it in smoothies (you won't taste it as much - the taste is weeiiird!)! :)

I would definitely get some coconut oil! You can find this at MOM's, organic food markets (not Trader Joe's, though, from what I know), and amazon.com! :)  Good luck!

Best Cleanser for Clear Skin and How to Treat Acne!

There are two main ingredients that are used in the world of blemish treatments today: salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Now, both are very effective for some people, but they both can have not-so-good side-affects... 

Now, I'm here to tell you about a cleanser/soap that kicks butt! I have tried maaaany cleansers, - excluding the ones you see T.V. such as Proactiv and whatnot - but not one of them has worked as well as this: "Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap"!! Ta daaaa!! This is a soap that can be used for pretty much anything, such as: cleaning your pet, cleaning the dishes, cleaning you, cleaning the carpet, cleaning the clothes, and so on and so forth. For now, we'll be focusing on the "you" part.

I usually search for the best skincare products on the market today, more so for the less expensive ones, and I happened upon this lovely soap! I watched some YouTube videos, read a few reviews, and I was willing to try it. So, I asked my mom for it, and a few days later, it ended up on our front door step thanks to amazon.com and "that one UPS guy". I had previously been using a new product (that I will write about right after this post) that was supposed to make my skin look better - which it did, but in some ways I didn't expect - so I was curious to see how this soap would work compared to the other product (I now use them together, you'll see why in my next post).

It turns out that not only did this soap keep my blemishes at bay, but it also evened out my skin tone!! :D It was fantastic! I thought the other product would do that, although it did get rid of my redness in my cheeks, but it didn't! At least I thought it didn't.. Maybe the soap just sped up the process of evening out my skin tone, or vise versa with the other product.. Hmm.. Anyway, my red cheeks are gone and I don't have as many blemishes! Yippee! OH! Also, my mom even noticed my skin looked better! Uber awesome! ^_^

What's awesome about this soap (besides the fact that it's perfect) is that it can be used as a body wash, too! You know how you see facial cleansers and body washes separately? Well, this is an all-in-one soap, so for those who suffer from breakouts all over, look no further! :)  

There are many varieties of soaps, like peppermint, almond, orange, etc., but if you want to smell great, I would use the peppermint! I read reviews about men saying it was like a "chick magnet".. Now, I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but others have said it kept them smelling fresh and mintaayy! Or, do whatever you like! At first I disliked the almond smell, but I got used to it. Unless you like weird smells, try to stay away from it.. :) You can find this soap at organic food markets/stores like MOM's (I don't think Trader Joe's though - I didn't see it) and amazon.com!

Some cons about the soap:
  • Unfortunately this soap can be a little bit drying. I don't have super dry skin, but it's in that category of dryness. It took me a couple washes to figure that out.. Hehe.. But, the good news is, you can just use your moisturizer and BOOM - you're good. :)
  • It can smell weird if you get the weird-smelling ones! (That was pretty redundant.)
  •  It can get messy if you pour too much out, but you really don't need that much, so it shouldn't be a huge problem. 
I highly recommend this soap! Don't knock it till ya try it!