
Helping you become self-confident.
Helping your life become dermatologistic.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Home Remedy for Sunburn

The sun is shining, the waves are crashing, and lobsters are laying on the towels near the shore. Everything's great except for the fact that you're that lobster. Missed a spot I suppose. Or maybe you forgot to reapply the sunscreen? Ouch. Well, did you know that tea is a great remedy for sunburns? Specifically black tea that is!

I hate getting sunburns - especially on my face! I always forget to cake it on my nose and my upper cheeks near my under-eye area. What's even worse is having somewhere nice to go to the next day. How can you reduce the redness fast and help it heal naturally? Black tea of course! The tea has natural ingredients that speed up the process of repairing and healing the burned and irritated skin cells.

How easy is it? It's actually very simple! What I do is get two black tea bags and stick them in a mug. Then, pour some water into the mug and stick it in the fridge until it's chilled. Grab a face cloth or a paper-towel (I prefer a paper-towel) and dip it into the cold tea. Dab, don't rub, onto your burn. I usually mold the paper-towel onto my face so it'll stay put. I did this before bed and left it on. In the morning, my red nose turned into a soft pink! Bye-bye, Rudolph! If your burn is on your back or other hard-to-reach areas, simply dump seven tea bags into your bathtub and take a nice luke-warm to cool bath. Aaahhh...

This is an awesome home remedy I came across and I hope it works for you, too! Good luck! :)

Home Remedy for Warts

So, you have had that wart for a while, eh? Oh, you've tried drying it out with duct tape and freezing it, too? It's still there? Wow, you've tried everything for.. three weeks? Banana peel. Yep. Go ahead, try it. No, I'm not crazy. Yes, I have tried it. Two days. Yes, it only took me two days. Don't believe me? Okay, your wart. No, no, it's fine. I'll show myself to the door. I accept your apology. You don't have a banana? What a coincidence, I have one in my jacket pocket. Text me!

So, as you can see from my one-sided dialogue, banana peel is the one remedy I have tried to remove my reluctant warts! Thanks to my sister who didn't tell us (my mum and I) she had them and then gave them to us, we got warts! A lovely trio on my foot.. Hmm.. Anyway, we've tried a lot to get rid of them. I've even heard my mum mention something about removing them from the root. Like, ow. Oh, and that had a minor success rate!! Soooo, desperate enough to try banana peel? Good! You'll be happy you did!

The process is quite simple:
Hungry? - Eat the banana
Wart? - Cut a small section of the peel to completely cover the wart. (A little extra is fine) Then, keep the peel in place with tape or band-aids. I used tape because it was handy.

When I did this remedy, all three of my friends disappeared in two days. Gone. Vanished. It's really miraculous, so please go ahead and try! Good luck! :)